Teaching the nones and the millennials
For the past few weeks, I’ve been pondering how the changes in the religious make-up of the United States have influenced the worldviews of my students. According to the Pew…
Keep your digital mitts off my great-grandmother!
My grandmother, Ruth Kulamer Swetnam A few months ago, after retelling a bit of family folklore to my husband’s siblings, I decided to Google the name of the relative…
Got (religious) diversity?
A couple of weeks ago in a Northern Virginia suburb, I saw a car festooned with four bumper stickers, From top to bottom, they read “got diversity?” “Ben Carson President…
Who’s this syllabus for anyway?
As the winter break draws to a close, I’m revising and editing my syllabi for the upcoming semester. Actually, I’ve already finished them, but as I was working on them…
Religion in the Digital Age: Schedule planning weeks 1 and 2
Next up in course planning; when and what (also known as the framework of the syllabus). Below is a really rough draft of how I envision the course proceeding in…