Afternoon Tea with the DSI, Thursday Nov 20th at 5pm
Doesn’t that sound classy? Well we are a classy group, and one that needs some caffeine and sugar about this time of the semester! So this Thursday November 20th, at…
What’s cookin’?
Here's where we'll be sharing our latest and greatest: recently planned or delivered digitally inflected courses, research related to digital studies or digital pedagogy, recent DSI discussions, meetings, speakers. Blog…
The Sidekick Project
A lot of us feel compelled to do something about global poverty. It makes sense. Our philosophers tell us that we have a moral imperative. Our professors include working with…
UMW-DSI, aka the Digital Studies Initiative
Here is my blog contribution for the Digital Studies Initiative, an interdisciplinary collaboration of Mary Washington faculty interested in integrated digital tools into their classes. This semester, I have learned…