Immediate face plant
This whole “I don’t need my computer” thing sounded so easy. It only took a day to make it clear I’m delusional. Not that I couldn’t have done my work…
DQ, imitation, GIFs and plagiarism
“Windmills” from Don Quixote (2000), Peter Yates, Director make animated gifs like this at MakeaGif This week in my freshman seminar Digital Don Quixote, we are addressing the question…
GIFfing the Media Wall
I’m a fan of animated GIFs, and one of my favorite features of UMW’s Convergence Center is it’s “Media Wall,” a large, multi-screen display in the main area of the…
The Media Anachronism Project: A Proposal
This past Spring, Jim Groom and I started up a project we’ve been calling the “Console Living Room” or just “##8221; Jim has already written frequently and passionately about this…
A necessary experiment
For the past few months, my computer has been unbearably – almost unuseably – slow. I have a couple ideas why that is: 1- I was warned by my colleague…