Parsing the data on student success
Certainly a large part of understanding student success depends on the data that one has available. In this case, I assume that the more data the better – ASQ or…
I ♥ Maps
Almost twenty years ago, I saw my first Sanborn map. In the years since, I’ve used these maps for work in all sorts of contexts, and I keep coming back…
The elephant in the room: A Marxist thinks about student success
So I’ve been thinking a lot about the idea of student engagement lately, only partially because my campus recently interviewed several candidates for a position on student success and engagement,…
Games Games Games
Playing for work, it turns out, is both rewarding and completely exhausting. I found this out first-hand after a double dose of games workshops this week. First, I attended the…
Notes from AAS: Language, Crowd-Sourced Online Archives, and Database Access
Earlier this spring (ages back in late March, my regrets for the belated post) I attended the Association of Asian Studies annual meeting. I had the welcome opportunity to participate…